27 Apr, 2024

In response to Ronda Rouseys justifications, Holly Holm says She wasnt better than me, especially that night!

When Holly Holms foot bounced off Ronda Rouseys jaw in 2015, shocking everyone, the UFC bantamweight champion fell to the ground. One of the biggest upsets in UFC history at the time was Holms knockout victory to capture the belt since then, Holm has had a consistent presence in the bantamweight rankings for almost nine […]

3 mins read

Field Alex Pereira A Terrifying Suggestion Before the UFC 300 Main Event

I used to be amazed at how the massive Brazilian fighter Alex Pereira could trim himself down to 185 pounds before every middleweight match. I wasnt sure how a man his size and thickness could accomplish such a feat. Even Poatan has to concede that he doesnt really know how he fought in his old […]

7 mins read

Islam Makhachev: The Next Dagestani Mauler

merging talent in the UFC lightweight class is Islam Makhachev. The Dagestani grappler is presently ranked #3 in the world and has won 10 straight fights on october 27, 1991, Makhachev was born in Dagestan, russia He started wrestling training at an early age and rose to prominence in his nation very quickly. He entered […]

3 mins read

When Did Khabib Join UFC

Khabib Nurmagomedov: The Journey from Dagestan to UFC Stardom In 2012, Khabib Nurmagomedov, a name linked with supremacy in the UFC began his incredible adventure with the company in addition to kicking off an incredible career, his UFC debut made the world aware of his distinctive fighting technique which has its roots in Daghestani martial […]

2 mins read

Who is Alexandre Pantojas Wife ?

Alexandre Pantojas Wife: The Unseen Support in the World of MMA In the realm of mixed martial arts MMA the spouses and families of fighters are occasionally disregarded in favor of the combatants and their abilities an example of this crucial but often overlooked support function is the wife of well known UFC fighter Alexandre […]

1 min read